Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lot's of stuff.

Okay Home painted french nails, There not the best because my niece painted them... but she did a really good job for how young she is.

            Some beautified lips... COMING UP!!!

                                                   Bright pink... looks red but my camera's havin issues
                                                    bright red! (You can deff. tell I put on chapstick on first)

 So I wanted to talk to you about Restday Sunday... RS (Rest day sunday) Is an amazing way to treat your self, I know todays not sunday but if you know how your goanna plan your sunday a couple days ahead thats great! So what I'm going to talk to you about, and show you is how you can treat yourself Like it's exspensive, but cheap and you can do it every sunday (or more). 
 So I'm going to show you a gift you could give to your friends for christmas, or their birthday or basiclly any holiday!

 In this holiday gift basket is 2 things of chocolate, Lotions, A journal,Candy cane, Candles, Earings and Hand sanitizer. note: (This is just an example of what your could do, You do not have to have the same exact stuff.)

 Okay I have some RS stuff to show you, and this isnt all because it's packed up, I havent had a RS in like a year.
                                                      Diffuser.... Bought from: (At home America.)
                                                         candle holder bought from: (Partylite)
                                                 Candle package (on top bought from Yankee Candle)
                                               Candle burner and candle melts Bought from: (At home America)

                                                           Ok that should be all for today. You'll probably see a post from me tommrow afternoon. Thank you for reading.... (If you have questions feel free to comment below.)

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